This seminar is fully HRDF claimable.
CCD Points are available from CIDB and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)

Tackling Workplace Dishonesty

In this one-day training, participants will learn how to conduct investigations and interrogations using systematic, logical and legally compliant solutions which can be applied to a wide variety of workplace dishonesty.
Dishonesty in the workplace can take many different forms including:
– Stealing of the employer’s money out of the till, petty cash box or safe.
– Taking of business merchandise.
– Unauthorised and undisclosed use of employer’s equipment.
– False claims of illness as reason for absence from work.
– Punching an absent employee’s clock card.
– Getting another employee to punch one’s clock card in ones absence.
– Falsifying of cheques, invoices, quotations or business documents.
– Embezzlement of the employer’s funds.
– Misrepresentation or falsification of employment qualifications or other credentials.
– Fraud. For example, selling the employer’s merchandise or services and charging the client privately for own gain.
– Telling lies to cover up work errors or for other reasons.
– Secretly competing with the employer by engaging in own business in the same field.
– Receiving bribe.


Professionals who are seeking an understanding in identifying potential fraudsters and to conduct an effective investigation and interrogation.


Up to 5% of a firm’s annual turnover may be lost through dishonesty in the workplace and, according to a recent survey, at least 70% of that dishonesty is perpetrated by employees. What may surprise many is that most corporate fraud is not billion-ringgit embezzlement by top directors, but is committed by ordinary workers who never imagine that their actions could be seen as fraud.
This seminar aims to help organizations reduce or eliminate such possible losses.


Participants will acquire knowledge of:

  • How to interview suspects and witnesses and record their statements.
  • How to prepare an investigation work plan by applying critical thinking concepts.
  • How to conduct an effective questioning.
  • How to gather relevant evidence.
  • Understanding what is cross examination.
  • Lie detection.
  • How to prepare a case for criminal or civil proceedings.


The training will combine tutor-led presentations with interactive practical exercices, supported by video material and case studies.
Participants will be encouraged to participate actively in relating the principles of lie detection and cross examination.